Friday, 23 October 2009

it's been a while

Profuse and profound apologies for my absence. Things have been getting a bit too crazy for me lately to even think about things other than working, and then being asked to make changes to that work again and again... I don't mean to moan - the client comes first, right? I have had enough of working now, though. I could do with a week off, but no, it keeps pouring in.

Have I done anything interesting in the last week or so? Nope. Not a sausage. Most interesting thing? Uh... a man in a red top hat outside Beyond Retro in London - I love love love how you can do anything you like, be anyone you want to be in that city - if I'm going to wear the weird patterned Norwegian cardigan I picked up on eBay last week, London will be the city. Out here in the countryside people will think I'm the village idiot.


  1. yeah I like to wear crazy stuff too.

    Actually Glasgow is pretty open in that respect. At least in the city centre I always see a good mix of outfits compared with Yorkshire or small backward market towns!

    Mind you, I say go for it on the Norwegian cardigan front. Give the yummy mummies something to talk about other than their bed-wetting already-in-training-for-Oxbridge progeny :)

    Plus, I'm already in training to knit such things. I'd even love to knit one for my man. You can't beat a bit of Fair Isle.

    Check out my drooling places:-

    From Holmfirth!!!!

  2. Thanks Kat, those sites are great! I shall definitely bookmark them for the day I learn how to knit properly :-)

    Maybe I'll wear the cardigan when I see you in Glasgow!
